Sentomono is a collective founded by Ido and Rabea, a couple in love with all things handmade and with a passion for oddly shaped hand tools. With a hands-on background in Japanese Ceramics and Lacquerware, we strive not only to make but also to share our fascination with traditional techniques and enable people from all over the world to make educated purchases of well-made objects. Sentomono offers consulting services and produces and curates projects, products, and collaborations.


Yamanaka Onsen, Japan


Ido Ferber & Rabea Gebler

Meet the founders of Sentomono


Born in a small town between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, I spent most of my life barefoot and outdoors. Today I draw most of my inspiration from the vivid present, the colours and textures of nature and the natural way in which things evolve and erode. I work mainly in the creation of objects for daily use and enjoyment.

Currently setting up my private studio


2018 B.A. Industrial Design, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Israel

2023 M.F.A Ceramics Masters Course, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan.

2024 Apprentice to Matsuzaki Ken at Yuushin Gamma, Mashiko, Japan

direct contact me here: idoferber@gmail.com

- Ido Ferber / instagram


With a Bachelor degree in Product Design, I noticed I enjoyed being part of the making process of objects. After carving my first spoon from wood, my deep fascination for the material has never left me. I enjoy working with hand tools, leaving traces of axes and knives, and adding my own narrative to the story told by the wood.

Currently, I am enrolled at the Ishikawa Prefectural Institute for Yamanaka Lacquerware in Japan.


2020 B.A. Product Design, HfG Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany

2024 Graduated the Ishikawa Prefectural Institute of Yamanaka Lacquerware, Japan

2023 The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition, Setsuko Yamada Prize, Japan

direct contact me here: rabeagebler@gmail.com

- Rabea Gebler / instagram

Meet the Founders of sentomono

Ceramicist Designer Ido Ferber


Born in a small town between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, I spent most of my life barefoot and outdoors. Today I draw most of my inspiration from the vivid present, the colours and textures of nature and the natural way in which things evolve and erode. I work mainly in the creation of objects for daily use and enjoyment.

Graduate of the Bachelors Course at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design - Department of Industrial Design.

Graduate of the Masters Course at the Tokyo University of the Arts - Department of Ceramics.

direct contact me here: idoferber@gmail.com

- Ido Ferber / instagram

Artist Designer Rabea Gebler


With a Bachelor degree in Product Design, I noticed I enjoyed being part of the making process of objects. After carving my first spoon from wood, my deep fascination for the material has never left me. I enjoy working with hand tools, leaving traces of axes and knives, and adding my own narrative to the story told by the wood.

Currently, I am enrolled at the Ishikawa Prefectural Institute for Yamanaka Lacquerware in Japan.


2020 B.A. Product Design, HfG Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany

2024 Graduated the Ishikawa Prefectural Institute of Yamanaka Lacquerware, Japan

2023 The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition, Setsuko Yamada Prize, Japan

direct contact me here: rabeagebler@gmail.com

- Rabea Gebler / instagram

Could you help us build our dream studio?

Having both recently graduated craft schools in Japan, we are currently in the process of setting up our own workshop and house here. Hopefully we will buy and renovate a countryside house soon, to work and teach workshops in. We would be very grateful if you would like to support our dream.
